My husband (Captain Awesome or Awesome) and I
got to read the CT report. A large mass according to radiologists is: 11.5 X
10.2 X 7.9. For people like me who relate to inches that’s: 4 ½ inches X 4 inches
X 3 inches. According to Captain Awesome its “The size of a small puppy.” He
offered to name it George.
I was really
lucky and got in to see a general surgeon the day after my life got sucked into
the proverbial toilet.
If you are ever an emotional, icky, gooey mess, I recommend using Puffs Plus.
I cried so much I think I washed some brain cells out. Seriously, I
couldn’t think straight enough to use the phone. I had to stare at it for a few
seconds and think, “What was I doing? Oh, yeah, I needed to call so-n-so.” And then I’d stare at it for another second. “And I’ll find the
number … where? Oh, yeah, the address book.” So I click the address book and
start the whole process over again. “What am I supposed to be doing? Oh, I’ve
got a clue. The address book is open, I’m supposed to call someone…”
After getting some sleep, I’m happy to report those brain cells
are not M.I.A. they were merely lost in the fog of sleep deprivation.
Apparently, in order to function, I need more than 5 hours of sleep in a 60-hour time frame...
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